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Language Error! No language localisation is found.
Title Mark S. Rasmussen
Text / HTML ratio 54 %
Frame Excellent! The website does not use iFrame solutions.
Flash Excellent! The website does not have any flash contents.
Keywords cloud = var SQL Server database pages => page OrcaMDF == file table data RawDatabase db ID object corruption DBCC parse
Keywords consistency
Keyword Content Title Description Headings
= 118
var 75
SQL 64
Server 58
database 55
pages 50
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
10 22 12 0 0 0
Images We found 31 images on this web page.

SEO Keywords (Single)

Keyword Occurrence Density
= 118 5.90 %
var 75 3.75 %
SQL 64 3.20 %
Server 58 2.90 %
database 55 2.75 %
pages 50 2.50 %
=> 47 2.35 %
page 43 2.15 %
OrcaMDF 32 1.60 %
== 29 1.45 %
file 26 1.30 %
table 24 1.20 %
data 23 1.15 %
RawDatabase 21 1.05 %
db 21 1.05 %
ID 21 1.05 %
object 21 1.05 %
corruption 20 1.00 %
DBCC 19 0.95 %
parse 19 0.95 %

SEO Keywords (Two Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density
SQL Server 50 2.50 %
of the 36 1.80 %
in the 24 1.20 %
= new 24 1.20 %
db = 21 1.05 %
var db 21 1.05 %
to the 20 1.00 %
the database 18 0.90 %
we can 16 0.80 %
able to 15 0.75 %
the schema 13 0.65 %
DBCC CHECKDB 12 0.60 %
new RawDatabaseD\MSSQL 11 0.55 %
a list 11 0.55 %
be able 11 0.55 %
object ID 11 0.55 %
Wherex => 11 0.55 %
RawDatabaseD\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2mdf 11 0.55 %
the Customer 11 0.55 %
xHeaderObjectID == 11 0.55 %

SEO Keywords (Three Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
var db = 21 1.05 % No
db = new 21 1.05 % No
be able to 11 0.55 % No
new RawDatabaseD\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2mdf 11 0.55 % No
a list of 11 0.55 % No
= new RawDatabaseD\MSSQL 11 0.55 % No
=> xHeaderObjectID == 11 0.55 % No
= new RawDatabaseC\AWLT2008R2mdf 9 0.45 % No
dbPages Wherex => 9 0.45 % No
xHeaderType == PageTypeData 8 0.40 % No
the Customer table 8 0.40 % No
pages belonging to 8 0.40 % No
Service Broker Msg 8 0.40 % No
var rows = 7 0.35 % No
the allocation unit 7 0.35 % No
the SQL Server 7 0.35 % No
var records = 7 0.35 % No
RawDatabaseD\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2mdf var 6 0.30 % No
var pages = 6 0.30 % No
pages = dbPagesWherex 6 0.30 % No

SEO Keywords (Four Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
var db = new 21 1.05 % No
db = new RawDatabaseD\MSSQL 11 0.55 % No
= new RawDatabaseD\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2mdf 11 0.55 % No
db = new RawDatabaseC\AWLT2008R2mdf 9 0.45 % No
pagesSelectManyx => xRecordsSelectx => 6 0.30 % No
records = pagesSelectManyx => 6 0.30 % No
xHeaderType == PageTypeData var 6 0.30 % No
== PageTypeData var records 6 0.30 % No
PageTypeData var records = 6 0.30 % No
var records = pagesSelectManyx 6 0.30 % No
xRecordsSelectx => RawPrimaryRecordx var 6 0.30 % No
= pagesSelectManyx => xRecordsSelectx 6 0.30 % No
=> xRecordsSelectx => RawPrimaryRecordx 6 0.30 % No
= dbPagesWherex => xHeaderObjectID 6 0.30 % No
=> RawPrimaryRecordx var rows 6 0.30 % No
RawPrimaryRecordx var rows = 6 0.30 % No
var rows = RawColumnParserParserecords 6 0.30 % No
dbPagesWherex => xHeaderObjectID == 6 0.30 % No
Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2mdf var pages = 6 0.30 % No
pages = dbPagesWherex => 6 0.30 % No

Internal links in -

About Me
About Me | Mark S. Rasmussen
Misc | Mark S. Rasmussen
Miscellaneous | Mark S. Rasmussen
just migrated from Wordpress to Hexo
Migrating from Wordpress to Hexo | Mark S. Rasmussen
SQL Server Mirroring - A Practical Approach | Mark S. Rasmussen
save the day
SQL Server Corruption Recovery - When All Else Fails | Mark S. Rasmussen
OrcaMDF’s Corruptor class
Corrupting Databases on Purpose Using the OrcaMDF Corruptor | Mark S. Rasmussen
OrcaMDF RawDatabase - A Swiss Army Knife for MDF Files | Mark S. Rasmussen
Introducing OrcaMDF | Mark S. Rasmussen
dynamically recreating common DMVs
OrcaMDF Now Exposes Metadata Through System DMVs | Mark S. Rasmussen
simple GUI
OrcaMDF Studio Release + Feature Recap | Mark S. Rasmussen
as I’ve already got my iPad next to me when presenting
Keeping Track of Time While Presenting | Mark S. Rasmussen
« Past
Mark S. Rasmussen
AS/Flex/Flash | Mark S. Rasmussen
IIS | Mark S. Rasmussen
Life | Mark S. Rasmussen
Performance | Mark S. Rasmussen
Testing | Mark S. Rasmussen
Umbraco | Mark S. Rasmussen
Web | Mark S. Rasmussen
Windbg | Mark S. Rasmussen
Windows | Mark S. Rasmussen
2009 | Mark S. Rasmussen
2008 | Mark S. Rasmussen
2007 | Mark S. Rasmussen
2006 | Mark S. Rasmussen Spined HTML

Mark S. Rasmussen Mark S. Rasmussen improve.dkWell-nighMe Pages Categories Archive Aug 25 2014 New Horizons Misc Over the last years I’ve been doing less and less coding while doing increasingly and increasingly management. As of today I’m taking it a step remoter as I’m thesping the role of CEO at iPaper A/S. Official printing release While this does midpoint less coding at work, I won’t be going full manager. I’ll still be reverse engineering databases in my spare time, I’ll still be debugging interesting problems, just as I’ll still protract contributing to unshut source. Me, Myself & SQL Server Though I won’t be giving up coding, this will have an impact on the value of time I can spend on extracurricular activies, such as presenting. Unfortunately this moreover ways I won’t be worldly-wise to participate in neither the MVP nor the SQL PASS summits this year. I had really looked forward to joining the MVP summit for the first time, but unfortunately I will have to prioritize time differently for now. This is not a goodbye to the family, simply an subtitle for why I won’t be seeing you this November. May 18 2014 Presenting at Microsoft DevCon 2014 Conferences and Presenting I’m happy to signify that I’ll be presenting at Microsoft DevCon 2014 in Russia! While visiting Russia will be a first-time wits for me, the topic I’m presenting on is not. In just 30 minutes I will try to requite an overview of not only how SQL Server stores data internally, but moreover how it keeps track of that data. Full Abstract Understanding SQL Server Data Files at the Byte Level Think SQL Server is magical? You’re right! However, there’s some sense to the magic, and that’s what I’ll show you in this level 500 deep swoop session. I will walk you through the internal storage format of MDF files, how we might go well-nigh parsing a well-constructed database ourselves, using nothing but a hex editor. I will imbricate how SQL Server stores its own internal metadata well-nigh objects, how it knows where to find your data on disk, and once it finds it, how to read it. Apr 21 2014 Redirecting Old Permalinks on Statically Generated Blogs Miscellaneous Having just migrated from Wordpress to Hexo, I quickly realized I forgot something. I forgot to redirect my old permalinks to the new ones… Permalinks Aren’t Necessarily Permanent A permalink ought to live for the elapsing of your content, and most importantly, never change. However, having been through a number of variegated blog engines, not all of them support the same permalink structures, and might not plane support redirecting old ones. As such, throgh the years my posts have ended up with multiple permalinks: As you can see, I’ve dropped both the /archive/ and the /blog/ prefixes, as well as the dates. Redirecting old incoming links to the new ones was easy unbearable when I ran Wordpress on Apache. All it requires were a couple of lines in the .htaccess file: # Redirect old permalink structure <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^archive/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([^\.]+)\.aspx$$4/ [NC,R=301,L] RewriteRule ^blog/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([^\.]+)$$4/ [NC,R=301,L] </IfModule> Static Woes Since I’ve migrated to Hexo it’s not as simple, unfortunately. I no longer host my site on Apache, but on GitHub Pages. GitHub Pages only indulge static files to be served, so I’m no longer worldly-wise to utilize the .htaccess rewriting rules. There’s moreover no server-side functionality available, so I can’t plane manually send out a 302-redirect, needed to preserve my incoming links SEO value. What I ended up doing was to write a small script that would parse my Wordpress replacement file and then recreate the /blog/ and /archive/ directories, as if the posts were unquestionably stored there: string template = @"layout: false --- <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Redirecting to [Title]</title> <link rel=""canonical"" href=""[Permalink]""/> <meta http-equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=utf-8"" /> <meta http-equiv=""refresh"" content=""0;url=[Permalink]"" /> </head> <body> Redirecting to <a href=""[Permalink]"">[Title]</a>... </body> </html>"; void Main() { var outputPath = @"D:\Projects\ (GIT)\source"; var xmlPath = @"D:\Projects\ (GIT)\marksrasmussen-blog.wordpress.2014-03-08.xml"; var xml = File.ReadAllText(xmlPath); var xd = new XmlDocument(); xd.LoadXml(xml); var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xd.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("content", ""); nsmgr.AddNamespace("wp", ""); foreach (XmlNode item in xd.SelectNodes("//item")) { var title = item.SelectSingleNode("title").InnerText; var stage = Convert.ToDateTime(item.SelectSingleNode("pubDate").InnerText); var slug = item.SelectSingleNode("wp:post_name", nsmgr).InnerText; var indexHtml = template .Replace("[Permalink]", "" + slug + "/") .Replace("[Title]", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(title)); // First create the /archive/ entry var outputFolder = Path.Combine(outputPath, "archive", date.Year.ToString(), date.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), date.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), slug + ".aspx"); var indexPath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "index.html"); Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder); File.WriteAllText(indexPath, indexHtml); // Then the /blog/ entry outputFolder = Path.Combine(outputPath, "blog", date.Year.ToString(), date.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), date.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), slug); indexPath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "index.html"); Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder); File.WriteAllText(indexPath, indexHtml); } } Now the post stored directly in the root, while placeholders have been put in place in the old /blog/ and /archive/ directories. The placeholder lawmaking is very simple: layout: false --- <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Redirecting to TxF presentation materials</title> <link rel="canonical" href=""/> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=" /> </head> <body> Redirecting to <a href="">TxF presentation materials</a>... </body> </html> It’s simply a small script that contains a meta refresh tag that sends the user on to the new URL. By utilizing the ´rel=”canonical”` meta tag, I ensure that this retains the SEO value as if I had performed a 302 redirect. Going Forward Creating the placeholder files is a one-off task, seeing as I’ll only overly need to redirect posts that precede the time when I reverted my URL structure to contain neither the /blog/ and /archive/ prefixes, nor the dates. All posts from the whence of 2013 were published using the current URL scheme, which I intend to alimony for the foreseeable future. Apr 19 2014 Migrating from Wordpress to Hexo Miscellaneous It’s this time of the year then - the time to migrate from one blog engine to another.Well-nigha year ago, I migrated from Subtext to Wordpress. While I was initially happy, I still wasn’t completely satisfied with the workflow. My primary peeves were: Complexity - I had to pay a host to run a stack consisting of PHP and MySQL and alimony it updated. Security - I needed to constantly alimony watch over Wordpress and alimony it updated, seeing as it’s a popular target for mass defacements, etc. Backups - While I did run an streamlined replacement plugin, it was cumbersome as I needed an offsite location (i used FTP). Writing - While the WYSIWYG editor works for some, it didn’t for me. As such I ended up writing all my posts in pure HTML. Openness - I’m a big proponent of unshut source and while I did publish the source lawmaking for my custom Wordpress theme, I wanted to moreover unshut up my blog posts themselves. Speed - I’ve spent increasingly time than I’d like to, just keeping Wordpress running smoothly. A lot of things were outside of my tenancy though, seeing as performance optimization was typically relegated to third party plugins. While considering the whilom list, I ended up settling on Hexo - a static site generator powered by Node.js. Migration The migration process was simple enough, though it required some transmission labor. All my Wordpress posts are written in HTML and since Hexo posts are based on Markdown, they needed to be converted.Withoutdumping my old Wordpress site into a replacement XML file, I was worldly-wise to write a script that parsed the replacement XML file and converted each post into the Hexo Markdown format. There were some misses that required transmission intervention, seeing as I had invalid HTML, special cases, etc. But overall, 95% of the posts were converted automatically. Since Hexo is a static site generator, I needed to host my comments offsite. Thankfully Disqus has native support for the Wordpress scuttlebutt replacement format so importing the comments was a breeze. Hexo does not support storing resources and posts in folders but prefers to store posts and resources seperately. As I like to alimony them together (seeing as I’ve got tropical to 300 posts), I had to write a small script that copied the resources into the right output locations: var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var publicDir = hexo.public_dir; var sourceDir = hexo.source_dir; var postsDir = path.join(sourceDir, '_posts'); var htmlTag = hexo.util.html_tag; var route = hexo.route; // Stores resources that'll need to be copied to the post output folders var filesToCopy = []; //WithoutHexo's washed-up generating, we'll reprinting post resources to their public folderse hexo.on('generateAfter', function() { filesToCopy.forEach(function(obj) { fs.writeFileSync(obj.destination, fs.readFileSync(obj.source)); }); }); // Each time a post is rendered, note that we need to reprinting its resources hexo.extend.filter.register('post', function(data, cb) { if (data.slug) { var postDir = path.join(postsDir, data.slug); var files = fs.readdirSync(postDir); files.forEach(function(file) { // Skip the markdown files themselves if (path.extname(file) == '.md') return; var outputDir = path.join(publicDir, data.slug); var outputPath = path.join(publicDir, data.slug, file); var inputPath = path.join(postDir, file); if (!fs.existsSync(outputDir)) fs.mkdirSync(path.join(outputDir)); filesToCopy.push({ source: inputPath, destination: outputPath }); }); } cb(); }); Though Hexo has a number of helpers to hands insert image links, I prefer to be worldly-wise to just write an image name on a line by itself and then have the windfall link inserted. Enabling that was easy unbearable too: // Replaces lines with image names with the very image markup hexo.extend.filter.register('pre', function(data, cb) { // Find all matching image tags var regex = new RegExp(/^([a-z_0-9\-\.]+(?:.jpg|png|gif))(?: ([a-z]+)( \d+)?)?$/gim); data.content = data.content.replace(regex, function(match, file, type, maxHeight) { // Create image link var imgLink; if (data.slug) // Posts need to reference image veritably imgLink = '/' + data.slug + '/' + file; else imgLink = file; // Max height of image var imgMaxHeight = '250px'; if (maxHeight) imgMaxHeight = maxHeight + 'px'; // Set style depending on type var style = ''; if (type) { switch (type) { specimen 'right': style = 'float: right; margin: 20px'; break; specimen 'left': style = 'float: left'; break; } } return '<div class="imgwrapper" style="' + style + '"><div><a href="' + imgLink + '" class="fancy"><img src="' + imgLink + '" style="max-height: ' + imgMaxHeight + '"/></a></div></div>'; }); // Let hexo protract cb(); }); Hosting, Security,Replacement& Speed Due to its static nature, there are no logins to protect, per se - seeing as there’s no backend. The blog itself is hosted on Github, both the source as well as the statically generated output files. This ways I’ve got full replacement in the form of distributed git repositories, as well as very easy rollback in specimen of mistakes. As for speed, it doesn’t get much faster than serving static files. Comments are lazily loaded without the post itself is loaded. While I can’t utilize the Github CDN (seeing as I’m hosting the blog at an noon domain, making it untellable for me to setup a CNAME - which is required to use the Github CDN), the speed is way faster than it used to be on Wordpress. I could move my DNS to a registrar that supports noon aliasing, but I’m happy with the speed for now. Openness Finally, since the source for the blog itself is hosted on Github, including the posts themselves, each post is unquestionably editable directly on Github. You’ll notice that I’ve widow an Octocat link at the marrow of each post, next to the social sharing icons. Clicking the Octocat will lead you directly to the source of the post you’re looking at. If you find an error or have a suggestion for an edit, finger self-ruling to fork the post and submit a pull request. Feb 04 2014 Presenting at SQL Saturday 275 SQL Server -Polity, Conferences and Presenting , SQL Server - OrcaMDF I’m happy to signify that I’ll be presenting at SQLSaturday #275 in Copenhagen on March 29th! I’ll be presenting my Recovering Data from FatallyUntruthfulDatabases session: Imagine the worst specimen scenario: Your database won’t come online. Lots of checksum errors logged. DBCC CheckDB won’t plane run on the database. And worst of all - you have no backups! Now what do you do with this 20GB binary hulk of an MDF file? In this demo-rich session I will transiently introduce the internals of MDF files while primarly concentrating on how to manually pericope data from untruthful databases. I will be using the OrcaMDF RawDatabase framework to do most of the parsing, which will moreover be explained during the session. If you want to be worldly-wise to save the day when all other options are exhausted, you shouldn’t miss this session. Nov 06 2013 SQL ServerSelf-indulgenceRecovery - When All Else Fails .NET , SQL Server - Internals , SQL Server - OrcaMDF , SQL Server In this post I want to walk through a number of SQL Server self-indulgence recovery techniques for when you’re out of luck, have no backups, and the usual methods don’t work. I’ll be using the AdventureWorksLT2008R2 sample database as my victim. AWipeStart To start out, I’ve tying the downloaded database and it’s misogynist on my SQL Server 2008 R2 instance, under the name of AWLT2008R2. To ensure we’ve got a wipe start, I’ll run DBCC CHECKDB with the DATA_PURITY flag set, just to make sure the database is OK. DBCC CHECKDB (AWLT2008R2) WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS, DATA_PURITY DBCC results for 'AWLT2008R2'. Service Broker Msg 9675, State 1: Message Types analyzed: 14. Service Broker Msg 9676, State 1: Service Contracts analyzed: 6. Service Broker Msg 9667, State 1: Services analyzed: 3. Service Broker Msg 9668, State 1: Service Queues analyzed: 3. Service Broker Msg 9669, State 1: Conversation Endpoints analyzed: 0. Service Broker Msg 9674, State 1: Conversation Groups analyzed: 0. Service Broker Msg 9670, State 1: Remote Service Bindings analyzed: 0. Service Broker Msg 9605, State 1: Conversation Priorities analyzed: 0. DBCC results for 'sys.sysrscols'. There are 805 rows in 9 pages for object "sys.sysrscols". DBCC results for 'sys.sysrowsets'. There are 125 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysrowsets". DBCC results for 'SalesLT.ProductDescription'. There are 762 rows in 18 pages for object "SalesLT.ProductDescription". ... CHECKDB found 0 typecasting errors and 0 consistency errors in database 'AWLT2008R2'. DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. EnterSelf-indulgenceAs I don’t want to skiver my disk drives just to introduce corruption, I’ll be using OrcaMDF’s Corruptor matriculation instead. First up we need to shut lanugo SQL Server: SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT Server shut lanugo by NOWAIT request from login MSR\Mark S. Rasmussen. SQL Server is terminating this process. Once the instance has been shut down, I’ve located my MDF file, stored at D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf. Knowing the path to the MDF file, I’ll now intentially untruthful 5% of the pages in the database (at a database size of 5,312KB this will end up corrupting 33 random pages, out of a total of 664 pages). Corruptor.CorruptFile(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf", 0.05); At this point I have no idea well-nigh which pages were unquestionably corrupted, I just know that 33 random pages just got overwritten by all zeros. Uh OhWithoutrestarting the SQL Server instance and looking at the tree of databases, it’s obvious we’re in trouble… Running DBCC CHECKDB doesn’t help much: DBCC CHECKDB (AWLT2008R2) WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS, DATA_PURITY Msg 926, Level 14, State 1, Line 1 Database 'AWLT2008R2' cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server errorlog for increasingly information. What does the errorlog say? Starting up database ‘AWLT2008R2’. 1 transactions rolled forward in database ‘AWLT2008R2’ (13). This is an informational message only. No user whoopee is required. Error: 824, Severity: 24, State: 2. SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: incorrect pageid (expected 1:2; very 0:0). It occurred during a read of page (1:2) in database ID 13 at offset 0x00000000004000 in file ‘D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf’. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide increasingly detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately.Well-constructeda full database consistency trammels (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for increasingly information, see SQL Server Books Online. Error: 3414, Severity: 21, State: 1. An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database ‘AWLT2008R2’ (database ID 13) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected, contact Technical Support. CHECKDB for database ‘AWLT2008R2’ finished without errors on 2013-11-05 20:02:07.810 (local time). This is an informational message only; no user whoopee is required. Recovery is complete. This is an informational message only. No user whoopee is required. This is officially not good. Our database failed to recover and can’t be put online at the moment, due to I/O consistency errors. We’ve moreover got our first hint: incorrect pageid (expected 1:2; very 0:0) What this tells us is that the header of page 2 has been overwritten by zeros since SQL Server expected to find the value 1:2, but found 0:0 instead. Page 2 is the first GAM page in the database and is an essential part of the metadata. SQL Server moreover wisely told us to either fix the errors or restore from a known good backup. And this is why you should unchangingly have a recovery strategy. If you overly end up in a situation like this, without a backup, you’ll have to protract reading. DBCC CHECKDB SQL Server recommended that we run a full database consistency trammels using DBCC CHECKDB. Unfortunately, given the state of our database, DBCC CHECKDB is unable to run: DBCC CHECKDB (AWLT2008R2) WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS, DATA_PURITY Msg 926, Level 14, State 1, Line 1 Database 'AWLT2008R2' cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server errorlog for increasingly information. In some cases you may be worldly-wise to gravity the database online, by putting it into EMERGENCY mode. If we could get the database into EMERGENCY mode, we might just be worldly-wise to run DBCC CHECKDB. ALTER DATABASE AWLT2008R2 SET EMERGENCY Msg 824, Level 24, State 2, Line 1 SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: incorrect pageid (expected 1:16; very 0:0). It occurred during a read of page (1:16) in database ID 13 at offset 0x00000000020000 in file 'D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide increasingly detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately.Well-constructeda full database consistency trammels (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for increasingly information, see SQL Server Books Online.Planeworse, it seems that page 16 has moreover been hit by corruption. Page 16 is the root page of the sysallocunits wiring table, holding all of the typecasting unit storage metadata. Without page 16 there is no way for SQL Server to wangle any of its metadata. In short, there’s no way we’re getting this database online! Enter OrcaMDF The OrcaMDF Database matriculation won’t be worldly-wise to unshut the database, seeing as it does not handle self-indulgence very well.Planeso, I want to try anyway, you never know. First off you’ll have to shut lanugo SQL Server to release the locks on the untruthful MDF file. SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT If you then try opening the database using the OrcaMDF Database class, you’ll get a result like this: var db = new Database(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); Interestingly the Database matriculation didn’t puke on the marching page (ID 9) itself, so we know that that one’s OK, at least. But as soon as it hit page 16, things started to fall untied - and we once knew page 16 was corrupt. RawDatabase While the OrcaMDF Database matriculation can’t read the database file either, RawDatabase can. RawDatabase doesn’t superintendency well-nigh metadata, it doesn’t read anything but what you tell it to, and as a result of that, it’s much increasingly resilient to corruption. Given that we know the self-indulgence has resulted in pages stuff zeroed out, we could hands gather a list of corrupted pages by just searching for pages whose logical page ID doesn’t match the one in the header: var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf") db.Pages .Where(x => x.Header.PageID != x.PageID) .Select(x => x.PageID) .ToList() .ForEach(Console.WriteLine); 2 4 5 16 55 ... 639 649 651 662 663 This is only possible since we know the self-indulgence caused pages to be zeroed out, so you’ll rarely be this lucky. However, sometimes you may be worldly-wise to snift the word-for-word result of the corruption, thus enabling you to pinpoint the corrupted pages, just like we did here. However, this doesn’t really help us much - all we have now is a list of some page ID’s that are useless to us. Getting a List of Objects For this next part we’ll need a working database, any database, on an instance running the same version that our corrupted database this. This could be the master database - literally any working database. First you’ll want to connect to the database using the DedicatedZookeeperConnection.aspx). Connecting through the DAC allows us to query the wiring tables of the database. The wiring table underneath sys.tables is tabbed sys.sysschobjs, and if we can get to that, we can get a list of all the objects in the database, which might be a good start. Having unfluctuating to the working database, we can get the sys.sysschobjs details like so: SELECT * FROM sys.sysschobjs WHERE name = 'sysschobjs' The only thing I’m looking for here is the object id, provided by the id column. In unrelatedness to all user tables, the system tables have their very object id stored in the page header, which allows us to hands query for pages by their id. Knowing sys.sysschobjs has ID 34, let’s see if we can get a list of all the pages belonging to it (note that the .Dump() method is native to LinqPad - all it does is to output the resulting objects as a table): var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); db.Pages .Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 34) .Dump(); Now that we have a list of pages belonging to the sys.sysschobjs table, we need to retrieve the very rows from there. Using sp_help on the working database, we can see the underlying schema of sys.sysschobjs: sp_help 'sys.sysschobjs' Once we have the schema of sys.sysschobjs, we can make RawDatabase parse the very rows for us, without which we can filter it lanugo to just the user tables, seeing as we don’t superintendency well-nigh procedures, views, indexes and so forth: var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); var pages = db.Pages.Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 34 && x.Header.Type == PageType.Data); var records = pages.SelectMany(x => x.Records).Select(x => (RawPrimaryRecord)x); var rows = RawColumnParser.Parse(records, new IRawType[] { RawType.Int("id"), RawType.NVarchar("name"), RawType.Int("nsid"), RawType.TinyInt("nsclass"), RawType.Int("status"), RawType.Char("type", 2), RawType.Int("pid"), RawType.TinyInt("pclass"), RawType.Int("intprop"), RawType.DateTime("created"), RawType.DateTime("modified") }); rows.Where(x => x["type"].ToString().Trim() == "U") .Select(x => new { ObjectID = (int)x["id"], Name = x["name"] }).Dump(); We just went from a completely useless suspect database, with no knowledge of the schema, to now having a list of each user table name & object id. Sure, if one of the pages belonging to sys.syschobjs was corrupt, we’d be missing some of the tables without knowing it.Planeso, this is a good start, and there are ways of detecting the missing pages (we could squint for wrenched page header references, for example). Getting Schemas As we saw for sys.sysschobjs, if we are to parse any of the user table data, we need to know the schema of the tables. The schema happens to be stored in the sys.syscolpars wiring table, and if we lookup in sys.sysschobjs for ‘sys.syscolpars’, we’ll get an object ID of 41. As we did before, we can get a list of all pages belonging to sys.syscolpars: var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); db.Pages .Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 41) .Dump(); By looking up the schema of sys.syscolpars using sp_help, in the working database, we can parse the very rows much the same way: // Parse sys.syscolpars var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); var pages = db.Pages.Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 41 && x.Header.Type == PageType.Data); var records = pages.SelectMany(x => x.Records).Select(x => (RawPrimaryRecord)x); var rows = RawColumnParser.Parse(records, new IRawType[] { RawType.Int("id"), RawType.SmallInt("number"), RawType.Int("colid"), RawType.NVarchar("name"), RawType.TinyInt("xtype"), RawType.Int("utype"), RawType.SmallInt("length"), RawType.TinyInt("prec"), RawType.TinyInt("scale"), RawType.Int("collationid"), RawType.Int("status"), RawType.SmallInt("maxinrow"), RawType.Int("xmlns"), RawType.Int("dflt"), RawType.Int("chk"), RawType.VarBinary("idtval") }); rows.Select(x => new { ObjectID = (int)x["id"], ColumnID = (int)x["colid"], Number = (short)x["number"], TypeID = (byte)x["xtype"], Length = (short)x["length"], Name = x["name"] }).Dump(); Recovering theConsumerTable Schema While there are 12 tables, none are probably increasingly important than theConsumertable. Based on parsing the sys.sysschobjs wiring table, we know that the consumer table has an object ID of 117575457. Let’s try and filter lanugo to just that object ID, using the lawmaking above: rows.Where(x => (int)x["id"] == 117575457).Select(x => new { ObjectID = (int)x["id"], ColumnID = (int)x["colid"], Number = (short)x["number"], TypeID = (byte)x["xtype"], Length = (short)x["length"], Name = x["name"] }).OrderBy(x => x.Number).Dump(); Running the pursuit query in any working database, we can correlate the TypeID values with the SQL Server type names: SELECT * FROM sys.types WHERE system_type_id IN (56, 104, 231, 167, 36, 61) AND system_type_id = user_type_id Using the output from syscolpars and the type names, we can now deduce the schema of theConsumertable (note that the syscolpars lengths are physical, meaning a length of 16 for an nvarchar post ways a logical length of 8): CREATE TABLEConsumer( CustomerID int, NameStyle bit, Title nvarchar(8), FirstName nvarchar(50), MiddleName nvarchar(50), LastName nvarchar(50), Suffix nvarchar(10), CompanyName nvarchar(128), SalesPerson nvarchar(256), EmailAddress nvarchar(50), Phone nvarchar(25), PasswordHash varchar(128), PasswordSalt varchar(10), rowguid uniqueidentifier, ModifiedDate datetime ) All we need now is to find the pages belonging to theConsumertable. That’s slightly easier said than washed-up however. While each object has an object ID, as can be verified using sys.sysschobjs, that object ID is not what’s stored in the page headers, except for system objects. Thus we can’t just query for all pages whose Header.ObjectID == 117575457, as the value 117575457 won’t be stored in the header. Recovering the CustomerTypecastingUnit To find the pages belonging to theConsumertable, we’ll first need to find the typecasting unit to which it belongs. Unfortunately we once know that page 16 is untruthful - the first page of the sys.sysallocunits table, containing all of the metadata. However, we might just be lucky unbearable for that first page to contain the typecasting units for all of the internal tables, which we do not superintendency about. Let’s see if there are any other pages belonging to sys.sysallocunits: var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); db.Pages .Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 7) .Dump(); There are 5 other pages available. Let’s try and parse them out so we have as much of the typecasting unit data available, as possible. Once then we’ll get the schema from the working database, using sp_help, without which we can parse the remaining rows using RawDatabase. By looking up ‘sysallocunits’ in sysschobjs, we know it has an object ID of 7: var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); var pages = db.Pages.Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 7 && x.Header.Type == PageType.Data); var records = pages.SelectMany(x => x.Records).Select(x => (RawPrimaryRecord)x); var rows = RawColumnParser.Parse(records, new IRawType[] { RawType.BigInt("auid"), RawType.TinyInt("type"), RawType.BigInt("ownerid"), RawType.Int("status"), RawType.SmallInt("fgid"), RawType.Binary("pgfirst", 6), RawType.Binary("pgroot", 6), RawType.Binary("pgfirstiam", 6), RawType.BigInt("pcused"), RawType.BigInt("pcdata"), RawType.BigInt("pcreserved"), RawType.Int("dbfragid") }); rows.Select(x => new { AllocationUnitID = (long)x["auid"], Type = (byte)x["type"], ContainerID = (long)x["ownerid"] }).Dump(); By itself, we can’t use this data, but we’ll need it in just a moment. First we need to get a hold of theConsumertable partitions as well. We do so by looking up the schema of sys.sysrowsets using sp_help, without which we can parse it. Looking up ‘sysrowsets’ in sysschobjs, we know that sys.sysrowsets has an object ID of 5: var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); var pages = db.Pages.Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 5 && x.Header.Type == PageType.Data); var records = pages.SelectMany(x => x.Records).Select(x => (RawPrimaryRecord)x); var rows = RawColumnParser.Parse(records, new IRawType[] { RawType.BigInt("rowsetid"), RawType.TinyInt("ownertype"), RawType.Int("idmajor"), RawType.Int("idminor"), RawType.Int("numpart"), RawType.Int("status"), RawType.SmallInt("fgidfs"), RawType.BigInt("rcrows"), RawType.TinyInt("cmprlevel"), RawType.TinyInt("fillfact"), RawType.SmallInt("maxnullbit"), RawType.Int("maxleaf"), RawType.SmallInt("maxint"), RawType.SmallInt("minleaf"), RawType.SmallInt("minint"), RawType.VarBinary("rsguid"), RawType.VarBinary("lockres"), RawType.Int("dbfragid") }); rows.Where(x => (int)x["idmajor"] == 117575457).Select(x => new { RowsetID = (long)x["rowsetid"], ObjectID = (int)x["idmajor"], IndexID = (int)x["idminor"] }).Dump(); By filtering lanugo to just theConsumertable’s object ID, we’ve now got the three partitions that belongs to the table - one for each typecasting unit type - ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA (3), LOB_DATA (2) and IN_ROW_DATA (1). We don’t superintendency well-nigh LOB and SLOB for now, all we need is the IN_ROW_DATA partition - giving us a RowsetID value of 72057594039697408. Now that we have the RowsetID, let’s lookup the typecasting unit using the data we got from sys.sysallocunits older on: var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); var pages = db.Pages.Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 7 && x.Header.Type == PageType.Data); var records = pages.SelectMany(x => x.Records).Select(x => (RawPrimaryRecord)x); var rows = RawColumnParser.Parse(records, new IRawType[] { RawType.BigInt("auid"), RawType.TinyInt("type"), RawType.BigInt("ownerid"), RawType.Int("status"), RawType.SmallInt("fgid"), RawType.Binary("pgfirst", 6), RawType.Binary("pgroot", 6), RawType.Binary("pgfirstiam", 6), RawType.BigInt("pcused"), RawType.BigInt("pcdata"), RawType.BigInt("pcreserved"), RawType.Int("dbfragid") }); rows.Where(x => (long)x["ownerid"] == 72057594039697408).Select(x => new { AllocationUnitID = (long)x["auid"], Type = (byte)x["type"], ContainerID = (long)x["ownerid"] }).Dump(); Recovering the Customers Now that we have the typecasting unit ID, we can convert that into the object ID value, as stored in the page headers (big thanks goes out to Paul Randal who was kind unbearable to blog well-nigh the relationship between the typecasting unit ID and the page header m_objId and m_indexId fields): var allocationUnitID = 72057594041270272; var indexID = allocationUnitID >> 48; var objectID = (allocationUnitID - (indexID << 48)) >> 16; Console.WriteLine("IndexID: " + indexID); Console.WriteLine("ObjectID: " + objectID); IndexID: 256 ObjectID: 51 Now that we have not only the object ID, but moreover the alphabetize ID, we can hands get a list of all the pages belonging to theConsumertable: var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); db.Pages .Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 51 && x.Header.IndexID == 256) .Dump(); And since we once know the schema for theConsumertable, it’s a simple matter of making RawDatabase parse the very rows: var db = new RawDatabase(@"D:\MSSQL Databases\AdventureWorksLT2008R2.mdf"); var pages = db.Pages.Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 51 && x.Header.IndexID == 256 && x.Header.Type == PageType.Data); var records = pages.SelectMany(x => x.Records).Select(x => (RawPrimaryRecord)x); var rows = RawColumnParser.Parse(records, new IRawType[] { RawType.Int("CustomerID"), RawType.Bit("NameStyle"), RawType.NVarchar("Title"), RawType.NVarchar("FirstName"), RawType.NVarchar("MiddleName"), RawType.NVarchar("LastName"), RawType.NVarchar("Suffix"), RawType.NVarchar("CompanyName"), RawType.NVarchar("SalesPerson"), RawType.NVarchar("EmailAddress"), RawType.NVarchar("Phone"), RawType.Varchar("PasswordHash"), RawType.Varchar("PasswordSalt"), RawType.UniqueIdentifier("rowguid"), RawType.DateTime("ModifiedDate") }); rows.Select(x => new { CustomerID = (int)x["CustomerID"], FirstName = (string)x["FirstName"], MiddleName = (string)x["MiddleName"], LastName = (string)x["LastName"], CompanyName = (string)x["CompanyName"], EmailAddress = (string)x["EmailAddress"] }).Dump(); And there we have it. 795 customers were just recovered from an otherwise unrecoverable state. Now it’s just a matter of repeating this process for the other tables as well. Summary As I’ve just shown, plane though all hope seems lost, there are still options. If you know what you’re doing, a tool like OrcaMDF, or flipside homebrewn solution, might come in as an invaluable out, during a disaster. This is not, and should never be, a replacement for a good recovery strategy. That stuff said, not a week goes by without someone posting on a forum somewhere well-nigh a untruthful database without any backups. In this specimen we went from fatal self-indulgence to recovering 795 customers from theConsumertable. Looking at the database, surpassing it was corrupted, there was originally 847 customers in the table. Thus 52 customers were lost due to the corruption. If the pages really are hit by corruption, nothing will get that data back, unless you have a backup. However, if you’re unlucky and end up with metadata corruption, and/or a database that won’t come online, this may be a viable solution. Should you come wideness a situation where OrcaMDF might come in handy, I’d love to hear well-nigh it - nothing largest to hear than success stories! If you don’t finger like going through this process yourself, finger self-ruling to contact me; I may be worldly-wise to help. Nov 05 2013 Corrupting Databases on Purpose Using the OrcaMDF Corruptor .NET , SQL Server - Internals , SQL Server - OrcaMDF , SQL Server Sometimes you must first do evil, to do good. Such is the specimen when you want to strop your skills in self-indulgence recovery of SQL Server databases. To requite me increasingly material to test the new RawDatabase functionality, I’ve now widow a Corruptor matriculation to OrcaMDF. Corruptor does increasingly or less what the name says - it corrupts database files on purpose. The self-indulgence itself is quite simple. Corruptor will segregate a number of random pages and simply overwrite the page completely with all zeros. Depending on what pages are hit, this can be quite fatal. I shouldn’t have to say this, but just in case… Please do not use this on anything valuable. It will fatally untruthful your data. Examples There are two overloads for the Corruptor.CorruptFile method, both of them return an IEnumerable of integers - a list of the page IDs that have been overwritten by zeros. The pursuit lawmaking will untruthful 5% of the pages in the AdventureWorks2008R2LT.mdf file, without which it will output each page ID that has been corrupted. You can specify the percentage of pages to untruthful by waffly the second parameter. var corruptedPageIDs = Corruptor.CorruptFile(@"C:\AdventureWorks2008R2LT.mdf", 0.05); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", corruptedPageIDs)); 606, 516, 603, 521, 613, 621, 118, 47, 173, 579, 323, 217, 358, 515, 615, 271, 176, 596, 417, 379, 269, 409, 558, 103, 8, 636, 200, 361, 60, 486, 366, 99, 87 To make the self-indulgence hit plane harder, you can moreover use the second overload of the CorruptFile method, permitting you to specify the word-for-word number of pages to corrupt, within a unrepealable range of page IDs. The pursuit lawmaking will untruthful exactly 10 pages within the first 50 pages (zero-based), thus hitting mostly metadata. var corruptedPageIDs = Corruptor.CorruptFile(@"C:\AdventureWorks2008R2LT.mdf", 10, 0, 49); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", corruptedPageIDs)); 16, 4, 0, 32, 15, 14, 30, 2, 49, 9 In the whilom specimen I was extraordinarily unlucky seeing as page 0 is the file header page, page 2 is the first GAM page, page 9 is the marching page and finally page 16 is the page that contains the typecasting unit metadata. With self-indulgence like this, you can be unrepealable that DBCC CHECKDB will be giving up, leaving you with no other volitional than to restore from a backup. Or… You could try to recover as much data as possible using OrcaMDF RawDatabase, but I’ll get when to that later :) Nov 04 2013 OrcaMDF RawDatabase - A Swiss Army Knife for MDF Files .NET , SQL Server - Internals , SQL Server - OrcaMDF , SQL Server , Tools of the Trade When I initially started working on OrcaMDF I had just one goal, to proceeds a deeper knowledge of MDF file internals than I could through most books available. As time progressed, so did OrcaMDF. While I had no initial plans of doing so, OrcaMDF has ended up stuff capable of parsing wiring tables, metadata and plane dynamically recreating worldwide DMVs. On top of this, I made a simple GUI, just to make OrcaMDF easier to use. While that’s great, it comes at the price of lattermost complexity. To be worldly-wise to automatically parse table metadata like schemas, partitions, typecasting units and more, not to mention abstracting yonder details like heaps and indexes, it takes a lot of lawmaking and it requires intimate knowledge of the database itself. Seeing as metadata changes between versions, OrcaMDF currently only supports SQL Server 2008 R2. While the data structures themselves are rather stable, there are minor differences in the way metadata is stored, the data exposed by DMVs and so forth. And on top of this, requiring all of the metadata to be perfect, for OrcaMDF to work, results in OrcaMDF stuff just as vulnerable to self-indulgence as SQL Server is itself. Got a untruthful marching page? Neither SQL Server nor OrcaMDF will be worldly-wise to parse the database. Say Hello to RawDatabase I tried to imagine the future of OrcaMDF and how to make it the most useful. I could march on make it support increasingly and increasingly of the same features that SQL Server does, sooner stuff worldly-wise to parse 100% of an MDF file. But what would the value be? Sure, it would be a unconfined learning opportunity, but the thing is, if you’ve got a working database, SQL Server does a pretty good job too. So what’s the alternative? RawDatabase, in unrelatedness to the Database class, doesn’t try to parse anything besides what you tell it to. There’s no will-less parsing of schemas. It doesn’t know well-nigh wiring tables. It doesn’t know well-nigh DMVs. It does however know well-nigh the SQL Server data structures and it gives you an interface for working with the MDF file directly. Letting RawDatabase parse nothing but the data structures ways it’s significantly less vulnerable to self-indulgence or bad data. Examples It’s still early in the development, but let me show some examples of what can be washed-up using RawDatabase. While I’m running the lawmaking in LINQPad, as that makes it easy to show the results, the result are just standard .NET objects. All examples are run versus the AdventureWorks 2008R2 LT (Light Weight) database. Getting a Single Page In the most vital example, we’ll parse just a single page. // Get page 197 in file 1 var db = new RawDatabase(@"C:\AWLT2008R2.mdf"); db.GetPage(1, 197).Dump(); Parsing the Page Header Now that we’ve got a page, how well-nigh we dump the header values? // Get the header of page 197 in file 1 var db = new RawDatabase(@"C:\AWLT2008R2.mdf"); db.GetPage(1, 197).Header.Dump(); Parsing the SlotVarietyJust as the header is available, you can moreover get the raw slot variety entries. // Get the slot variety entries of page 197 in file 1 var db = new RawDatabase(@"C:\AWLT2008R2.mdf"); db.GetPage(1, 197).SlotArray.Dump(); Parsing Records While getting the raw slot variety entries can be useful, you’ll usually want to squint at the records themselves. Fortunately, that’s easy to do too. // Get all records on page 197 in file 1 var db = new RawDatabase(@"C:\AWLT2008R2.mdf"); db.GetPage(1, 197).Records.Dump(); Retrieving Data from Records Once you’ve got the records, you could now wangle the FixedLengthData or the VariableLengthOffsetValues properties to get the raw stock-still length and variable length post values. However, what you’ll typically want is to get the unquestionably parsed values. To spare you the work, OrcaMDF can parse it for you, if you just provide it the schema. // Read the record contents of the first record on page 197 of file 1 var db = new RawDatabase(@"C:\AWLT2008R2.mdf"); RawPrimaryRecord firstRecord = (RawPrimaryRecord)db.GetPage(1, 197).Records.First(); var values = RawColumnParser.Parse(firstRecord, new IRawType[] { RawType.Int("AddressID"), RawType.NVarchar("AddressLine1"), RawType.NVarchar("AddressLine2"), RawType.NVarchar("City"), RawType.NVarchar("StateProvince"), RawType.NVarchar("CountryRegion"), RawType.NVarchar("PostalCode"), RawType.UniqueIdentifier("rowguid"), RawType.DateTime("ModifiedDate") }); values.Dump(); RawColumnParser.Parse will, given a schema, automatically convert the raw bytes into a Dictionary<string, object>, the key stuff the post name from the schema and the value stuff the very type of the column, e.g. int, short, Guid, string, etc. By letting you, the user, specify the schema, OrcaMDF can get rid of a slew of dependencies on metadata, thus ignoring any possible self-indulgence in metadata. Given the availability of the Next & PreviousPageID properties of the header, it would be simple to iterate through all linked pages, parsing all records of each page - basically performing a scan on a given typecasting unit. Filtering Pages Besides retrieving a specific page, RawDatabase moreover has a Pages property that enumerates over all pages in a database. Using this you could, for example, get a list of all IAM pages in the database. // Get a list of all IAM pages in the database var db = new RawDatabase(@"C:\AWLT2008R2.mdf"); db.Pages .Where(x => x.Header.Type == PageType.IAM) .Dump(); And since this is powered by LINQ, it’s easy to project just the properties you want. For example, you could get all alphabetize pages and their slot counts like this: // Get all alphabetize pages and their slot counts var db = new RawDatabase(@"C:\AWLT2008R2.mdf"); db.Pages .Where(x => x.Header.Type == PageType.Index) .Select(x => new { x.PageID, x.Header.SlotCnt }).Dump(); Or let’s say you wanted to get all data pages with at least one record and increasingly than 7000 bytes of self-ruling space - with the page id, self-ruling count, record count and stereotype record size as the output: var db = new RawDatabase(@"C:\AWLT2008R2.mdf"); db.Pages .Where(x => x.Header.FreeCnt > 7000) .Where(x => x.Header.SlotCnt >= 1) .Where(x => x.Header.Type == PageType.Data) .Select(x => new { x.PageID, x.Header.FreeCnt, RecordCount = x.Records.Count(), RecordSize = (8096 - x.Header.FreeCnt) / x.Records.Count() }).Dump(); And as a final example, imagine you’ve got just an MDF file but you seem to have forgotten what objects are stored inside of it. Fret not, we’ll just get the data from the sysschobjs wiring table! Sysschobjs is the wiring table that stores all object data, and fortunately it has a static object ID of 34. Using this, we can filter lanugo to all of the data pages for object 34, get all the records and then parse just the two first columns of the schema (you may specify a partial schema, as long as you only omit columns at the end), ending up in us dumping just the names (we could of undertow have gotten the full schema, if we wanted to). var db = new RawDatabase(@"C:\AWLT2008R2.mdf"); var records = db.Pages .Where(x => x.Header.ObjectID == 34 && x.Header.Type == PageType.Data) .SelectMany(x => x.Records); var rows = records.Select(x => RawColumnParser.Parse((RawPrimaryRecord)x, new IRawType[] { RawType.Int("id"), RawType.NVarchar("name") })); rows.Select(x => x["name"]).Dump(); Compatibility Seeing as RawDatabase doesn’t rely on metadata, it’s much easier to support multiple SQL Server versions. Thus, I’m happy to say that RawDatabase fully supports SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008R2 and 2012. It probably supports 2014 too, I just haven’t tested that. Speaking of testing, all unit tests are automatically run versus AdventureWorksLT for both 2005, 2008, 2008R2 and 2012 during testing. Right now there are tests demonstrating that OrcaMDF RawDatabase is worldly-wise to parse the first record of each and every table in the AdventureWorks LT databases.Self-indulgenceOne of the really interesting use cases for RawDatabase is in the specimen of corrupted databases. You could filter pages on the object id you’re searching for and then brute-force parse each of them, retrieving whatever data is readable. If metadata is corrupted, you could ignore it, provide the schema manually and the just follow the linked lists of pages, or parse the IAM pages to read heaps. During the next couple of weeks I’ll be blogging increasingly on OrcaMDF RawDatabase to show various use specimen examples, including ones on corruption. Source & Feedback I’m really excited well-nigh the new RawDatabase wing to OrcaMDF and I hope I’m not the only one who can see the potential. If you try it out, have any ideas, suggestions or other kinds of feedback, I’d love to hear it. If you want to try it out, throne on over to the OrcaMDF project on GitHub. Once it’s just a bit increasingly polished, I’ll make it misogynist on NuGet as well. Just like the rest of OrcaMDF, the lawmaking is licensed under GPL v3. Oct 28 2013 PowerPad - Powerpoint Presenters View for Tablets & Phones .NET , Conferences and Presenting , Tools of the Trade I love presenting, expressly so when it’s possible for me to do so slantingly Powerpoints presenters view. Unfortunately I’m an plane worthier fan of ZoomIt and I use it extensively when presenting. Why is that an issue? To use ZoomIt effectively, not just in demos but when showing slides as well, I need to indistinguishable my screen rather than extending it. Duplicating the screen ways presenters view is not an option :( Introducing PowerPad Seeing as I’ve once got my iPad next to me when presenting it seems obvious to use that for the presenters view. However, plane though I’ve scoured the app store for solutions, I have yet to find something that doesn’t require me to install invasive clients on my computer or suffice with a stock-still & lagging UI on the iPad.Planeworse, most require me to pay up front, meaning I can’t perform a meaningful trial. And so I decided to do something well-nigh it. PowerPad is a simple panel using that runs on your computer, detects when you run a presentation and automatically provides a “presenters view” served over HTTP. The overall goal for PowerPad is to provide a Powerpoint presenters view for tablets & phones. As soon as you’re running PowerPad, and a presentation, you’ll now be worldly-wise to wangle the host IP through any device with a browser. I personally use my iPad: And in a pinch I might plane use my phone: Getting Started PowerPad is unshut source and completely self-ruling to use, licensed under the MIT license. It currently supports Powerpoint 2013 and only requires you to have the .NET 2.0 Framework installed. As long as your devices are on the same network, you can vaccinate up any number of secondary monitors to your presentation - plane your attendees, should you want to. For increasingly screenshots as well as the lawmaking & downloads, please trammels out the PowerPad page on Github. Oct 23 2013 Announcing Tribal SQL SQL Server -Polity, SQL Server - Internals , SQL Server I’m slightly late to signify this, but largest late than never! Just a few weeks ago, the typesetting Tribal SQL went for sale! I authored a installment on “Storage Internals 101” and slantingly 14 other first-time authors, this is our first typesetting to have published! Tribal SQL: New voices in SQL Server15 first-time authors wordplay the question: What makes you passionate well-nigh working with SQL Server?MidnightDBA and Red Gate partnered to produce a typesetting filled with community, Tribal, knowledge on SQL Server. The resulting typesetting is a series of chapters on lessons learned, perhaps the nonflexible way, which you won’t find in traditional training or technical guidance material.As a truly community-driven book, the authors are all generously donating 100% of their royalties to the soft-heartedness Computers 4 Africa.A DBA’s cadre responsibilities are constant. A DBA must have the nonflexible skills necessary to maintain and enforce security mechanisms on the data, prepare powerfully for disaster recovery, ensure the performance and availability of all the databases in their care.Side by side with these, our authors have moreover recognized the importance of liaison skills to the merchantry and their careers. We have chapters on the importance to a DBA of communicating unmistakably with their co-workers and merchantry leaders, presenting data as useful information that the merchantry can use to make decisions, and sound project management skills.The resulting book, Tribal SQL, is a reflection of how a DBA’s cadre and long-standing responsibilities and what it ways to be a DBA in today’s businesses. If you want to get a sneak peek of my chapter, it has been posted on Simple-Talk as an pericope of the well-constructed book. « Past CATEGORIES .NETAS/Flex/FlashAmazon Web ServicesComputer ScienceConferences and PresentingIISLifeMiscMiscellaneousPerformancePokerSQL ServerSQL Server - CommunitySQL Server - Data TypesSQL Server - InternalsSQL Server - OptimizationSQL Server - OrcaMDFSQL Server - TricksTestingTools of the TradeUmbracoVisual StudioWebWindbgWindows ARCHIVE 201420132012201120102009200820072006 Copyright © 2014 Mark S. Rasmussen